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"Why do u look so guilty?" questioned he.
I said "har? erp..."
im speechless..

Can't believe it happened i just can't believe it happened...


Have u ever been in a situation that u do not know what to do? How to do? Why me why him why it happens? WHY~~! Not knowing what to do is the most darn thing. You try 2help but u just don't know how..


The skid of the car, the quick reverse, the whining and the loud noise of cracking bones is still fresh in my mind.. i was crouching on d road lips kept repeating why it happens why it happens..reluctant to believe that it's not a dream...

.... I am guilty because at times i thought i am a jinx. I am guilty coz IF i did not come back home such incident could be avoided. I am guilty coz i should have immediately call her to come back home, din realize accident will just happen within split seconds...That was just the 1st night i step into home.. I can't find fault on the damn driver for driving fast thus blaming on my dog for being "blind" on d road... damn it i was so frustrated... y am i oways d emotional1... I just couldn't imagine if i was to limp on 1 leg in my life, i have 2restart all over again, if i am a person who likes to jog & run, such accident will just "end" my soul...

...The pain in her eyes, the helpless look on her face when she was trying so hard to stand up or move but to no avail, the shaking of her body & panting non-stop says it really breaks my heart.. Setting alarms every 1-2 hours from d couch to check on her @wee hours...The days that she was gone, i called her name but no reply then only i realized that she's away.. Now that she has back from surgery, complications.. she has to learn to walk on 3 limbs now.. there won't b any jumping & shouting of "JOGGING!! JOGGING HALLIE!!"..can't do that anymore.. How i wish dis raya holidays being extended, at least i can spend more time with her & take k of her... But i know that i need 2get back Johor...d things that i promised,i can't compromise, & i know my purpose during dis 2weeks raya holidays... Really on struggle what to do now...n pls don't tell me that she is just a dog... u can walk away from my face now if u intend 2do that.