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I'm not like this...

These tears... they never ends..

can't it be stopped least one day....

Learning to be an over comer~


God gave us a Home.

It is no mansion, but it is COSY.
As long there is room for
and SHELTER for us,
that's all I care.

God is faithful

He took care of us

I Remember...

Once upon a time...

When we were naive & young... :p


friendship I cherish...

Place that I can call Home...

Passion for God...


Covenantal Relationship

Sweet Memories...

Make A Difference...

sow in tears & reap with Joy!

The Covenant that WE hold on Together

TQ for leaving footprints into my life
in this land of
Batu Pahat

I will settle down in KL. Will update more about myself. If I don't...pls pray 4me~
Now it's best time to apply all things that i've learned in BP, in my Homeland.

Walking ahead with Faith.
Let's not forget the Covenant that we hold on together~
Blessed 2012, Moving with Holy Spirit, Be The Harvester!