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It changed my mind

There were much disappointment and hurts in the midst... but I would rather join as one flesh with...

I once had fear, fear of being hurt again. That trust has been broken. Yet, the above has changed my mind & heart~

This year is really special, wherever I am (in office/ church/ home/ street/ bus/ train), almost every week, I came across with either a pregnant lady/ a mama with newborn/ elderly mama with grown up kids/ widow with child/ lady who's trying for a baby, from the little chats with those I came across & from what I have observed, there is this 'special moment' unsure how to describe it, impressed in my heart & thoughts. My mind at the end still says 'it won't be that fast', but my heart says otherwise. I take it as a preparation for me, to be one, when the time comes.

I'm grateful that all these encounters, is preparing my heart.

Ending 2014: A Time to Give Thanks, A Time to Reflect

Here comes the end of 2014, & it's good time to reflect throughout the year. 

Recall the few years back, there's always a theme for each year, as remembrance of a specific event/ journey/ my learning curve. Here are the themes for it:
2009 - 2010 : 
Knowing God
2011 :
Serving God with right heart 
The Lord is My Provider
Discovering Myself (in unfavorable situations)
Dealing with Unforgiveness
Discovering God

Here are the list of events I want to give thanks for in 2014:-
1. Working Adult CNY visitation - enjoy knowing couples & hangout at their homes.

2. Simply just hang out with 2 good friends - Yin Jeck & Li Chen

3. A lady boss, a lady director and my colleague Khairuddin who spoke/ stand up for me at office on unfavourable moments - KnightFrank

4. Multimedia team get-to-gather fellowship
Serving in Multimedia team trained me to be a more calm person, especially from reacting to sudden technical problems & last minute changes. 

TQ Jeremy for leading & caring for the team. Appreciate all bros sis who serve together.

5. Hangouts @Andrew's home sweet home - love the bonding between bros sis! TQ for opening your house to be a blessing Andrew!

6. TQ Shepherd being my teddy bear & ear  :)

7. Working Adult retreat @Cameron Highland

8. Family trip @Cameron Highland - refreshing & sooo relax~~

9. LEAD class - training leadership qualities (enjoyed the teachings & laughters). It readies myself more to 'go ahead, take lead'. Facing my Giant! ;)

10. Involvement in church Christmas production (in pastoral care) - i can serve my bro sis!

11. World Vision Staff Retreat @Port Dickson ^^

12. Guitar class by abang Paul - when I wanted to quit the class after finding hard to catch up, I was encouraged by bro Joseph & Tony who taught me guitar in office through the little time breaks. 
One night, i prayed for God to give me a heart to learn, help me to capture the skills &rhythm to play, & i end up strumming the guitar patterns for about an hour. It was a breakthrough for me. & now i have more confident to play new chords &strumming patterns, & using pick, when serving as guitarist.

13. Bible study class by bro Simeon - I like Wednesday morning the most for each working week, because I got to learn new things from bible study. I like the questions throw to us so that we could think & understand about God's words. Thanks Simeon for preparing & leading the group ;)

14. Friendship in International Malaysian Program department  :)  :)

15. Advocacy Learning Event @DUMC - I'm so blessed that i can eat lots of nice yummy food for about 1 week, whilst receiving so much from the learning.

16. Learning Trip to Sabah with colleagues - wow, it was the best experience sitting at the  back of a pickup truck.

17. Weekly catch up session with Stephanie & others in office. - It feels good to have someone check on you to see if you are doing fine & try to guide you. When I don't manage to experience it now, I realized that i had taken granted of it. 

18. Attending Eliza's convo with Mei Yen - enjoyed their presence!


19. Family trip to Sg. Lembing

20. Broga Hill with colleagues - enjoy the hike & overnight fellowship with Yin Ling

21. Specifically want to appreciate these very dear colleagues to me since i changed my job: Rachel Yeoh, Tien Hui, Yin Ling, Samuel Ching. 

22. Dealing with unforgiveness - it can be a rootcause for bitterness in life, without realizing. (singing) Let it go, let it go~~ I know it's hard, especially on some1 who had betrayed/ hurt/ harmed u before. I learned to Love instead~ I did not do it with my own strength, (though i tried & it was tiring), but rather - by The One who delivers me.

23 Discovering my gifting - Tq for a lovely couple who ministered to me & spiritually mentor me. Through the process, I'm experiencing restoration & deliverance from the Living God.

24. Seeing God's promises - There was a period of heavy down times, that during this time I am desperately seeking for help from a higher power... & i have found. When I first saw visions of very beautiful blue bloomed flowers, little did i know that God is trying to tell me something. And later on, I saw other beautiful things that i never saw in real life before. My heart leap with joy to have experience that God is so so Real. When i can't see things happening now with my naked eye, but seeing those visions, i know that those are beautiful promises which have yet to come! My soul find peace~

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

 - Jeremiah 29:13 

May the Lord bless those who show kindness to me ~

I Love U Dad

There's no other man at home.

Whenever there is a need for help, dad you are just always the man that comes for rescue.

Besides God, my dad my hero, my gentleman.

I love u dad

Retreat @ Sg. Lembing, Pahang 林明休闲景点

Hunting for learning adventures?
Looking for a getaway retreat?
Here's a place you can consider - Sg. Lembing, in Kuantan state capital of Pahang, Malaysia.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

A 4 hours drive from KL to Kuantan via Karak Expressway with no traffic jam, we drop by Teluk Cempedak Beach to hangout. It was a lovely beach, rather clean. Under good weather, a stroll along the beach would be just nice.

We then catch a drink at Cendol Air Putih, Kuantan
(located at Jalan Air Putih, near to SMK Sultan Abu Bakar, which is about 15mins from Teluk Cempedak)

 Some ice to cool your tongue!

Thirst quencher - ABC &cendol pulut (glutinous rice cendol) *LIKE*

Cendol campur pulut - *UNLIKE*

Proceed to Sg. Lembing!


Time to settle down at Pollock View Resort!

RM 90/room on a non-public holiday. 
With A/C, fan, heater in shower room, hmm quite comfy~

Facilities at Pollock include: a simple bar parlour, TV longue, dining area. 

Sg. Lembing is actually a very small town & its market place is accessible with just a 5 mins walk from Pollock View Resort.
There is no shopping mall, no banks/ ATM machines, no petrol station. If you need to go to the nearest bank, that will take you about 45mins drive to Kuantan city center. It's best that you have a full tank & enough cash with you when you come to Sg. Lembing.

random shots of the street

Sg. Lembing can be reached via RapidKuantan bus too.

Most of the shops are closed on a Friday late noon when we were there, so there were not much choice for a dining place. After dinner, we tucked in early to get ready for the next morning hill climbing.

We woke up at 5.00am to climb the Bukit Panorama Sungai Lembing (林明) to catch a glimpse of the sunrise. It was a pitch black in the cold morning; we turned on our torch lights to shine on the path. It was a steep hill, where we climbed the stairs. We took about 30 mins to reach the peak.

6 o'clock something, together with a bunch of people at the peak (platform)

Breathtaking view of the surrounding Sg. Lembing. Presence of thick mist & fresh cooling air

Heading down to foothill

Entry point of Bukit Panorama

After the exciting panorama experience, we walked to the market to satisfy our hungry tummies.

We had our breakfast at a food court next to the Pasar Sg. Lembing.

The famous tofu 山水豆腐. Very soft & smooth indeed

springy Sg. Lembing mee 濑粉

Beef noodle, not bad~ 

Fried tofu, very nice &soft texture

We then moved on to Sg. Lembing Tin Mines!

Malaysian Entry fee: 
RM 15/adult
RM 7.50/child or senior citizen
(Those with asthma are not encouraged to enter the mine tunnel)

Waiting area to hop unto the mine cart to enter the mine tunnel

Air passage way

Illegal hole made by illegal mine workers

The above is just an illustration.
Mine workers just wear shorts in the tunnel because it is very hot & stuffy.

You may notice the difference of the wall as you walk along the tunnel. The original condition of the wall is the rocky surface instead of the cemented surface.

Some holes are blocked from entering. 

There are many creative learning stations in the tunnel as well. It can be a good study tours for schooling children.

At the underground mine tunnel, there will be water dripping here & there, so be prepared to get a little wet.

Leaving the tunnel, it's Tea time !

Sg. Lembing 大碗茶 (big bowl tea)

Lembing 鸭蛋面 (duck egg noodle)

* * * * * * * * * * 

Something you can do in Sg. Lembing is, to chat with the locals (young & old). And you will be surprised of what amazing story you will find ;) 

Hope you guys enjoy this blog! :)

>>>> Check Out More on : Things To Do in Sg. Lembing