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It changed my mind

There were much disappointment and hurts in the midst... but I would rather join as one flesh with...

I once had fear, fear of being hurt again. That trust has been broken. Yet, the above has changed my mind & heart~

This year is really special, wherever I am (in office/ church/ home/ street/ bus/ train), almost every week, I came across with either a pregnant lady/ a mama with newborn/ elderly mama with grown up kids/ widow with child/ lady who's trying for a baby, from the little chats with those I came across & from what I have observed, there is this 'special moment' unsure how to describe it, impressed in my heart & thoughts. My mind at the end still says 'it won't be that fast', but my heart says otherwise. I take it as a preparation for me, to be one, when the time comes.

I'm grateful that all these encounters, is preparing my heart.

Ending 2014: A Time to Give Thanks, A Time to Reflect

Here comes the end of 2014, & it's good time to reflect throughout the year. 

Recall the few years back, there's always a theme for each year, as remembrance of a specific event/ journey/ my learning curve. Here are the themes for it:
2009 - 2010 : 
Knowing God
2011 :
Serving God with right heart 
The Lord is My Provider
Discovering Myself (in unfavorable situations)
Dealing with Unforgiveness
Discovering God

Here are the list of events I want to give thanks for in 2014:-
1. Working Adult CNY visitation - enjoy knowing couples & hangout at their homes.

2. Simply just hang out with 2 good friends - Yin Jeck & Li Chen

3. A lady boss, a lady director and my colleague Khairuddin who spoke/ stand up for me at office on unfavourable moments - KnightFrank

4. Multimedia team get-to-gather fellowship
Serving in Multimedia team trained me to be a more calm person, especially from reacting to sudden technical problems & last minute changes. 

TQ Jeremy for leading & caring for the team. Appreciate all bros sis who serve together.

5. Hangouts @Andrew's home sweet home - love the bonding between bros sis! TQ for opening your house to be a blessing Andrew!

6. TQ Shepherd being my teddy bear & ear  :)

7. Working Adult retreat @Cameron Highland

8. Family trip @Cameron Highland - refreshing & sooo relax~~

9. LEAD class - training leadership qualities (enjoyed the teachings & laughters). It readies myself more to 'go ahead, take lead'. Facing my Giant! ;)

10. Involvement in church Christmas production (in pastoral care) - i can serve my bro sis!

11. World Vision Staff Retreat @Port Dickson ^^

12. Guitar class by abang Paul - when I wanted to quit the class after finding hard to catch up, I was encouraged by bro Joseph & Tony who taught me guitar in office through the little time breaks. 
One night, i prayed for God to give me a heart to learn, help me to capture the skills &rhythm to play, & i end up strumming the guitar patterns for about an hour. It was a breakthrough for me. & now i have more confident to play new chords &strumming patterns, & using pick, when serving as guitarist.

13. Bible study class by bro Simeon - I like Wednesday morning the most for each working week, because I got to learn new things from bible study. I like the questions throw to us so that we could think & understand about God's words. Thanks Simeon for preparing & leading the group ;)

14. Friendship in International Malaysian Program department  :)  :)

15. Advocacy Learning Event @DUMC - I'm so blessed that i can eat lots of nice yummy food for about 1 week, whilst receiving so much from the learning.

16. Learning Trip to Sabah with colleagues - wow, it was the best experience sitting at the  back of a pickup truck.

17. Weekly catch up session with Stephanie & others in office. - It feels good to have someone check on you to see if you are doing fine & try to guide you. When I don't manage to experience it now, I realized that i had taken granted of it. 

18. Attending Eliza's convo with Mei Yen - enjoyed their presence!


19. Family trip to Sg. Lembing

20. Broga Hill with colleagues - enjoy the hike & overnight fellowship with Yin Ling

21. Specifically want to appreciate these very dear colleagues to me since i changed my job: Rachel Yeoh, Tien Hui, Yin Ling, Samuel Ching. 

22. Dealing with unforgiveness - it can be a rootcause for bitterness in life, without realizing. (singing) Let it go, let it go~~ I know it's hard, especially on some1 who had betrayed/ hurt/ harmed u before. I learned to Love instead~ I did not do it with my own strength, (though i tried & it was tiring), but rather - by The One who delivers me.

23 Discovering my gifting - Tq for a lovely couple who ministered to me & spiritually mentor me. Through the process, I'm experiencing restoration & deliverance from the Living God.

24. Seeing God's promises - There was a period of heavy down times, that during this time I am desperately seeking for help from a higher power... & i have found. When I first saw visions of very beautiful blue bloomed flowers, little did i know that God is trying to tell me something. And later on, I saw other beautiful things that i never saw in real life before. My heart leap with joy to have experience that God is so so Real. When i can't see things happening now with my naked eye, but seeing those visions, i know that those are beautiful promises which have yet to come! My soul find peace~

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

 - Jeremiah 29:13 

May the Lord bless those who show kindness to me ~