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There's always something to give thanks for

May this year ends with thanksgiving as we look back 2015!

As a remembrance for each year's specific event/ journey/ my learning curve, there is always a THEME for counting blessing.
2009 - 2010 : 
Knowing God
2011 :
Serving God with right heart 
The Lord is My Provider
Discovering Myself (in unfavorable situations)
Dealing with Unforgiveness &
Discovering God

As for 2015 theme:

Giving thanks for 2015 on:-
1. Rise of Hope @UCSI

Love involving in events!^^

2. Family gather together for prayer, singing & bible reading.

Initiating it it's tough. But great to see verses come alive when I practice faith. An incident "..that when I continue to sing the praise songs, in her unwell state, her hand followed the rhythm & recovered.."

3. Fun doing things together with MWA cell group

- Go pasar together, Events preparation together, Karaoke, sharing life together just between few houses distance away etc
- Transiting from English cell group to Mandarin working adult cell group.

4. Fun to be part of Raymond & Mei Yin's wedding designing for multimedia projection

- Clearer understanding on 'Two are better than one' from biblical view to prepare for a glorious marriage

5. Prayer @Solomon's house
- encouraged by the faith of a strong woman who loves her son.
- through prayers we all witnessed together God kept Solomon alive from a tragic accident & gradually recovering day by day
- my 1st meet up with Solomon was at his bed side, both of us were strangers. But he gave me the will power to continue live life to the fullest, & inspire me about life.
"As long as I have breath in my body, I still have a purpose in life, to live on"

6. Great experience involving in lovely Li-Shia's wedding as jimui

- so blessed by the couple's marriage & their lives' story

7. Tg. Sepat get away with lovely people!

- love riding the bike! love the cool breeze so much!

8. Leadership Retreat @Port Dickson with speaker Aaron Yong 
- a greater understanding on where I am now, the calling journey, and what to expect in near future

9. Great learning 'adventure' with young Ps. Jonathan on the works in my neighbourhood
- how the organization 'Kulaijaya Wan Min Welfare Society, Johor' functions.
- as helper for aid distribution to the lower income group.
- fun following ps for home visitation
- inspired by bro Gim Heng's involvement whom brought wife & young child along

10. Great time catching up with both my cherished sisters Peniel &Jia Sin from Johor!
- seeing both you has given me much encouragement!

11. Great time catching up with long lost friends from Pui Ling's wedding!

12. The opportunity to be part of Malaysia National Convention 2015 committee!
- appreciate everyone's support & comforted going through with Lih Qing (the midnight discussion) &Jason (material shopping, site visit & discussion), that I'm not doing it alone
- my 1st time, great exposure, tasted it, witnessed it, no one is perfect, tried it, & it's worthwhile!

13. Reflection 10km marathon, we made it! :)

14. A whole new journey! Leadership!
- when i responded to John 15:5, I do not wish to continue dwell in the state of the past, as I wanted to see fruitfulness in my life! I prayed to God for an opening for change, with clear conscience that I am to remain in Him, that apart from Him I can't do anything. Since then, the opening for a new journey has began, when I was given to
- Startup Hospitality Ministry
- Captain the management team at 1 mixed development site
- Involve to such extend to head MNC's ushering team.

The journey is rough, at times i'm sailing on stormy sea, & there were some occasions the ship almost bang unto the rocks on the sea, but God has been the one driving the ship when the driving wheels / rudder fails.

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Goodbye 2015 & Hello 2016! =)

My Work Testimony ;)

On 13 Sept 2015, I stand in honour to testify how God has brought me through out my work. 

Just to intro what I do at my workplace. I work in a management office. I was appointed to lead a team, to manage one of the site project consist of apartment, shop office block, & basement carpark. My workplace is surrounded by construction sites, so there will be machinery & cranes going in & out the building, & I work closely with engineers. In order to talk the same language with them, I come to learn how to see as-built drawings. In order for me to understand more about the building system, and the Laws, i googled alot at work. Hence, Google has become 1 of my good friend. I play the role to oversee the landscape, security, cleanliness, staff & building maintenance. If the maintenance no good, complaints come. At times, I have calls at night or Sunday that I have to attend to emergency, I have to learn to be calm & give instructions, knowing who is the key person that can help.  When things happen, or in the event of negligence, I have to explain & report to residents, different departments & different bosses. Everyday is truly something new for me. Very challenging, yet a great learning curve!
I like to share how God affirmed me that He is with me, when I feel that I cannot do this. I am weak, but God gave me the strength to move on each new day. I joined this company on April Fool and I went through 3 emotional stressful months, with prayers & cries before God. Throughout this period, God spoke through what i saw:
1. On a Monday prayer night at church before God, I opened my eyes, I saw a big shadow before me. The shadow was uniquely formed in such a way that is differ from the others, I thought "oh my, whose shadow is this so big". I move around, then I realized, it was my shadow. I came to understand, God doesn't want me to look at how tiny I am. Instead I shall look at how God sees me, on God's potential & capability on me.

2. God spoke to me another night, through His words. When i was praying to the Lord in my bedroom, there was a prompting in my heart to read Joshua Chapter One.
 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." 
This verse kept repeating in the book of Joshua One. What's more, the next day night, a sister confirmed this same word to me. And I know God really wants me to know that He is with me.

3. God spoke to me through my big boss. When I was demanded to handover to police station a recording of an illegal activities, I remember I lose my cool when i first dealt with police force. I made a terrible mistake that affect the residents. My big boss called me into his office when he found out I was in the police station. I was waiting for a shouting to happen, as my big boss is known for his army strict character. But out of my surprise, it was my 1st time seeing him in a gentle voice. He told me don't be worried, don't stressed, don't afraid, he will back me up, support me. He said "you are the captain of the ship in the building, I will empower you & given you my blessing to do what is right." He told me everyone is uniquely created. He spent near 1 hour sharing about his life story about "when I was young like u..." I was really touched by all that had happened. I remember I drove back home crying all the way, knowing that God has been with me all these while, protecting me, backing me up when i made mistake. God affirmed me, that this job, I just have to do it by faith. His Grace is sufficient for me, for His power is made perfect in my weakness.

Frankly to say, I do not wish to work in this field, but knowing that God has His wonderful plan for me to go through these, for molding &shaping me to become the person He wants me to be, for a future purpose, I learn to enjoy these days. 

Each day, before I reach office, I would proclaim "Lord, I confess your favour upon me", it helps because I acknowledge that I am a child of God, and that I have His favour on me. 
 Everyone has his/ her own story to tell, and this is His story of my life. It's been 6 months working now, and I'm glad I have gone through till this far. Praise the living God!

"My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me." - Psalm 62:7

They are not just Words

Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart - Luke 2:19

Things had been going quite interesting lately, a rather fast change in such a short period of time, that I could see God is indeed doing something in my life, that involves my family, my career, my ministry, my calling~

I am being placed in a position that I am not qualified & worthy for, with my limited ability, resources & support, I know that it is not I, but from the Lord. 

I have been hearing people talking about me, about my future, I don't know how true is true, but i had treasured up all these things in my heart. 


"'On that day,' declares the LORD Almighty, 'I will take you, my servant Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel,' declares the LORD, 'and I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you,' declares the LORD Almighty." - Haggai 2:23

In Loving Memory of Halex

We started off with a cold relationship, until he wrapped himself in warmth and slept next to me, that's where I start noticing him as adorable.

His presence has indeed brought joy in the family.

So young and naive, that's where you can't survive in being street smart..

RIP Halex
You are forever missed ~

The Lord's mercy has kept both you & me

After lying on bed for 1 year of coma following an accident, he finally awakes. Seeing him for the first time in the hospital, being in a state of paralyzed, he can only moves his eyes. 

Just because of 1 man whom i had encountered, it changes the way i see life. 

Many times our minds can led us into terrible lies, entering into danger zone, thinking that we no longer have the purpose to live on. Everyday having to face the never ending challenges, seeing no changes of the situation, and it seemed like we had to embrace that kind of 'fate', thus leading us to have that thought: "I wonder what I am living for, there seem to be no purpose for me to live on for". These thoughts if not being taken well of can led to a deep depression without you realizing. And this young man, Solomon, in his state of limitation had slept me awake. 

"As long as you have breath in your body, you still have a purpose to live for". 


I admit I am a complicated person.

But throughout the past 3 years of relating with different people, I learn to be a more simple person.

The mind can tells me this, whilst the people tell me that; The report states the evidence, whilst the news announce the so called truth, but let God has the Final Say.

Be still, keep calm and know that He is above all these...
