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My Work Testimony ;)

On 13 Sept 2015, I stand in honour to testify how God has brought me through out my work. 

Just to intro what I do at my workplace. I work in a management office. I was appointed to lead a team, to manage one of the site project consist of apartment, shop office block, & basement carpark. My workplace is surrounded by construction sites, so there will be machinery & cranes going in & out the building, & I work closely with engineers. In order to talk the same language with them, I come to learn how to see as-built drawings. In order for me to understand more about the building system, and the Laws, i googled alot at work. Hence, Google has become 1 of my good friend. I play the role to oversee the landscape, security, cleanliness, staff & building maintenance. If the maintenance no good, complaints come. At times, I have calls at night or Sunday that I have to attend to emergency, I have to learn to be calm & give instructions, knowing who is the key person that can help.  When things happen, or in the event of negligence, I have to explain & report to residents, different departments & different bosses. Everyday is truly something new for me. Very challenging, yet a great learning curve!
I like to share how God affirmed me that He is with me, when I feel that I cannot do this. I am weak, but God gave me the strength to move on each new day. I joined this company on April Fool and I went through 3 emotional stressful months, with prayers & cries before God. Throughout this period, God spoke through what i saw:
1. On a Monday prayer night at church before God, I opened my eyes, I saw a big shadow before me. The shadow was uniquely formed in such a way that is differ from the others, I thought "oh my, whose shadow is this so big". I move around, then I realized, it was my shadow. I came to understand, God doesn't want me to look at how tiny I am. Instead I shall look at how God sees me, on God's potential & capability on me.

2. God spoke to me another night, through His words. When i was praying to the Lord in my bedroom, there was a prompting in my heart to read Joshua Chapter One.
 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." 
This verse kept repeating in the book of Joshua One. What's more, the next day night, a sister confirmed this same word to me. And I know God really wants me to know that He is with me.

3. God spoke to me through my big boss. When I was demanded to handover to police station a recording of an illegal activities, I remember I lose my cool when i first dealt with police force. I made a terrible mistake that affect the residents. My big boss called me into his office when he found out I was in the police station. I was waiting for a shouting to happen, as my big boss is known for his army strict character. But out of my surprise, it was my 1st time seeing him in a gentle voice. He told me don't be worried, don't stressed, don't afraid, he will back me up, support me. He said "you are the captain of the ship in the building, I will empower you & given you my blessing to do what is right." He told me everyone is uniquely created. He spent near 1 hour sharing about his life story about "when I was young like u..." I was really touched by all that had happened. I remember I drove back home crying all the way, knowing that God has been with me all these while, protecting me, backing me up when i made mistake. God affirmed me, that this job, I just have to do it by faith. His Grace is sufficient for me, for His power is made perfect in my weakness.

Frankly to say, I do not wish to work in this field, but knowing that God has His wonderful plan for me to go through these, for molding &shaping me to become the person He wants me to be, for a future purpose, I learn to enjoy these days. 

Each day, before I reach office, I would proclaim "Lord, I confess your favour upon me", it helps because I acknowledge that I am a child of God, and that I have His favour on me. 
 Everyone has his/ her own story to tell, and this is His story of my life. It's been 6 months working now, and I'm glad I have gone through till this far. Praise the living God!

"My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me." - Psalm 62:7