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Strata Title

When buying a secondary property without a strata title, some financial institutions might be reluctant to finance such purchases. If both the buyer and seller are to go ahead with the transaction, he advises both parties to engage their own lawyers to ensure protection.

However, vendors of newly completed developments may not encounter any hassle arising from the want of a strata title. This is because with the enforcement of the Strata Titles (Amendment) Act 2013, strata titles are to be issued upon vacant possession (VP) of the property. Hence, prolonged delays in issuance of strata titles are mainly experienced by owners of units in older projects that were handed over before the amendment Act was enforced in June 2015.

Based on the amended Act, strata titles are now supposed to be issued upon VP.

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Transfer of Property - from Parents to Children/ Husband to Wife (Stamp Duty Exemption)

Parents to children and spouses can transfer property without money consideration by way of love and affection.

The consideration stated in the Memorandum of Transfer (MOT) or Deed of Assignment will be ‘love and affection’.

Other family members can transfer property to another family member without money consideration by using a normal memorandum of transfer.

This consideration of love and affection applies only when the transfer is from parent to children and not from sibling to sibling or between any other family members. The Memorandum of Transfer (MOT) or Deed of Assignment still must be adjudicated and stamped.

The law does provide for a stamp duty exemption for a transfer of property by way of love and affection.

In contrast, pursuant to the Stamp Duty (Exemption) (No. 10) Order 2007, the law provides for stamp duty exemption for a transfer of property between family members by way of love and affection as follows:

 Transferor                         Transferee                Exemption Rate

Husband                            Wife                               100%

Wife                                   Husband                         100%

Mother and/or father         Child                                50%

Child                                   Mother and/or father      50%

In another way, it’s mean that if you are going to transfer the current property from your parents’ name to your own name, the stamp duty will be given 50% rebate. Between spouses will be given 100% rebate, which is so great because stamp duty fees can be painful.

Note that ‘Child’ means a legitimate child, a stepchild or child adopted in accordance with any law. Also, stamp duty is typically paid by the transferee, unless agreed otherwise by parties.

Here are some examples.

  1. Property owned by Father. Father is getting older. And son wants to take over the property.

Property market value is RM400,000.

The actual stamp duty is RM7000.

If by way of love and affection, the stamp duty is RM3500 (50% x RM7000)

  1. Property owned by the father (50% share) and mother (50% shares). Father will transfer his 50% shares to son. The mother remains the 50% ownership.

Property market value is RM400,000.

The property transfers on 50% shares. So, RM400,000/2 = RM200,000

The actual stamp duty for RM200,000 property is RM3000.

If by way of love and affection, the stamp duty is RM1500 (50% x RM3000)

  1. Property owned by Husband. Husband wants to transfer his ownership to wife.

Property market value is RM400,000.

The actual stamp duty is RM7000.

If by way of love and affection, the stamp duty is RM0.00 (100% waived)

  1. Property owned by Husband (50% shares) and Wife (50% shares). Husband wants to transfer his 50% shares to wife. Wife will own 100% shares after the transfer.

Property market value is RM400,000.

The property transfers on 50% shares. So, RM400,000/2 = RM200,000

The actual stamp duty for RM200,000 property is RM3000.

If by way of love and affection, the stamp duty is RM0.00 (100% waived)

  1. Sister wants to transfer property to her brother.

According to the law, from sibling to sibling or between any other family members there is no stamp duty exemption. Therefore, the stamp duty will be charged in full amount.

Property market value is RM400,000.

The actual stamp duty is RM7000, and this is the amount to pay.

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#MeToo : Unwanted Attention

"You are just being oversensitive, come on"

These were the comments I received after telling my ladies what happened.

Those times, I did wonder, was it really me being oversensitive, or was it 'him' that making sexual advances.

~ . ~ . ~. ~. ~ . ~ .

It was already a past history :
> when groping took place at a narrow walkway of a shop by a 'customer'
> when 'touched' by the instructor during (being chose to) demo for martial art practice
> when the hand of an old man intentionally trying to reach my thigh when I was jogging in opposition direction on a trail at a park. It was the same man that tried to reach me again when I was walking up a narrow staircase while he was walking down. All these happened when the man whom wearing sun glasses was also holding his wife's hand at the same time. (He's not blind)
> when a man's leg trying to slot in behind me, in a crowded KTM
> when a foreigner making advances by placing his arm behind my head &slowly sitting closer in a quiet LRT coach.
> when I was being stalked all the way walking back home after cocurricular activities, by a freaking admirer from the same school
> when frequent wolf whistling was heard during my rounding at my office building which located next to a construction site.
> when I received sexually suggestive photos &messages (including from a Dato, IT engineer & a cop) after I passed my number for work purposes. (my job deal with authorities &suppliers)

"Why don't we take the lift just now? that we have to wait for another lift"

"Come on, go on (the staircase), why do u stop?"

"Why don't you fetch them along, they're just staying nearby, pity them they don't have transport"

"Why you don't want him (new visitor) to join our cell group at your house"

These were the questions to me.

If time could turned back, 1 thing I'd do is to have kept the messages as proof & bring up issues to my lady superior (even though that time colleagues did not believe what I told them what I encountered), back then when there's affection gestures from a married man colleague whom manipulatively hitting on a young subordinate whom he should be looking after. 

~ . ~ . ~. ~. ~ . ~ .

Over time, experiences gained. We learned what is like to be manageable, to discern, to be more alert, to play safe when dealing with people, or when alone out there & to identify who shall be included in our social circle.

I learned to be understanding when someone else hashtag 'MeToo', instead of commenting too much. It's best to just give a listening ear, instead of commenting anything when hearing their stories. Blaming on the female attire is as worse as saying "luckily it did not happened to me or my daughter", as well as saying "who asked you to do that/ go there, see what happened now".

And I know why some ladies
> avoid entering a room behind closed door, when there's only a man inside (eg. office store)
> avoid certain standing positions on the escalator
> preferred walking behind man when going up a staircase (instead of walking infront)
> preferred standing leaning against the wall in a lift if there are men inside
> taking walkie talkie along when rounding building at weak-phone-signal-reception basement
> playing precaution when sound of moving motorbike heard coming from the back along the street
> choose not to give away business cards/ phone number to Anyone easily
> not to simply allow 'friend(s)' to enter her car/ house or drives her back when she doesn't even know him deeply yet
> choose not to follow superior invitation to round the building at dark places alone
> so repulsive towards certain ways/ movements of the gents' approach
> avoid entering crowded public transportation, lift or narrow walkway


This is my story. & You are not alone.

#MeToo, is to show the magnitude of sexual harrassment

>>> next, Read:
sexual harrassment allegations from these celebrities against Harvey Weinstein, on #MeToo campaign

>>> next, Watch: 
The world's funniest man Harith Iskander was not laughing when his wife Dr Jezamine Lim spoke for the first time about her own experience with bullying.
 click on #standtogether to watch.

I'm Invisible

"Wow, he scored again! That is so cool!" The girl sitting next to me was heard saying.

"He got the moves of Kobe's" exclaimed another person.

Much admiration can be felt in the air especially towards him.

It was another weekday evening after class where the juniors &seniors were gathering at the basketball court to watch the friendly match. And mostly were his admirers, cheering on his name.

The match was finally over, and it started drizzling. Before I walked over to him, he was already surrounded by a group of ladies telling him how great he was.

It was another day like this. I wonder if you had noticed my presence each time you played, each time when u scored, as well as each time when u injured & fell, even in the rain.

I missed the friendship we once had.


So close, and yet so far.

I can only watch from a distance. 

i guess, sometimes people just forgot the person who supports them at the back...

Preacher in the Living Room

"Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it." - Proverbs 22:6

* . * . * . * . 
* . * . * . * . * . * . * . *

is not just a mother to her children, but a friend, a teacher, A PREACHER.

When her husband is away to work, she would gather her children at the living room & preach Love, preach Integrity, preach Empowerment.

The living room would become a place where leaders are produced.

When her husband is away to work, she would plays the role as a homemaker.

She disciplines her children & watches over the affairs of her household.

Neither she eats the bread of idleness nor she obtained food gained by deceit.

Day and night her hands will be working vigorously, preparing food for her family, &building the home. She clothes herself with strength, strength that comes from the Lord. Even when storm comes, she would be still, for she put her trust in the Lord.

She extends her hands to the needy & would model for her children to do the same.

She inspires & people called her blessed.

She is not just a woman, 

but a woman who fears the Lord.


Are You Willing To Wait For Me?

The word comes through him, & I listened :

"He has already provided for you"

"You are unique. & you will have choices"

* . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * .

I met a Boaz.

& we were of 2 different generations.

He has his group of friends, while I have mine with different maturity from his.

He has his strength, and I have mine. We both value different things in life.

He has made progress in his career, his ministry, his understanding in life.

While I, I'm just starting...

He talked things of passion, doing the impossible, & crossing over Niagara falls.

While I, I'm still catching up.


Will You...

wait for me, if I take longer time to catch up to your pace ?

Will You...

wait for me, when you had already completed phase 3 while I just about to experience phase 2 season.

Will You...

wait for me, without losing your patience and condemning me if I had failed along the way trying to catch up with you.

I have choices.

The time has not yet come, for he has not called me his. 

I am not Ruth.

Lending Your Hand

After grocery store, I headed to my car & saw a man getting off his motorbike (blocking my car). So I gave a light smile nod to hint him that I'm exiting.

Realizing the man has burnt scars over his face &hand, in his very slow motion trying to get back on his bike &then relocate forward the bike. I felt bad &said sorry.

Starting the engine, I secretly observed him. He was grabbing the cars for support then paused. I off the engine, got out & stretched out my forearm. He looked at me &immediately hold my hand. He was then guided to go up a 1-step staircase then he let go of my hand &with a course voice I heard 'thank you'


I learned 1 thing, on becoming a better human guide. Whether it's guiding a blind man, elderly, or walking-disordered person, STRETCHING OUT YOUR FOREARM can be a good hand grip support for them.

DON'T grab their hands &take them walk. They may not want to go YOUR direction.

Let them hold on to ur forearm instead. So they may have flexibility in their posturing.

For the blind, I usually ask their permission first. If walking on traffic street, I'd direct their hand to hold to my forearm, &let them know when reached the destination.

They, are bold. They learned how to survive better than us.

symbolic act from Good Friday

I felt something was missing in me when I went to work yesterday, & I've been thinking about a symbolic act I did on Good Friday night.

I tore off the paper where I wrote out the pains, disappointments, fear &past hurts that was haunting me &depressing me. These were the weighs that I felt missing in me. & I thank God for removing those negativity in me.

And just now, I was reminded that 7 times more powerful of those negativity could come back if I'm not careful enough. And what I feed into my mind is important.

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Good Friday (3days before Easter), is a day to remember that a Savior has come &gave Himself as an atonement for mankind's sins, that we can come to the presence of God without a priest, without having to sacrifice animal's blood, &access to Him from anywhere.

Jesus came to save the lost, that they may have life in all its fullest! Through the work finished on the cross, we can receive acceptance, healing, victory &restoration through Christ!]

-You don't have to go through alone. There's Someone Higher u can hold on to-

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My Son, Do not spend your strength on women, on those who ruin kings

Proverbs 31

A wife of noble character who can find?
    She is worth far more than rubies.
 Her husband has full confidence in her
    and lacks nothing of value.
She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.


 She gets up while it is still night;
    she provides food for her family
    and portions for her female servants.
 She considers a field and buys it;
    out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
 She sets about her work vigorously;
    her arms are strong for her tasks.
 She sees that her trading is profitable,
    and her lamp does not go out at night.

 She opens her arms to the poor
    and extends her hands to the needy.
 When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
    for all of them are clothed in scarlet.

 Her husband is respected at the city gate,
    where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.

 She is clothed with strength and dignity;
    she can laugh at the days to come.

 She speaks with wisdom,
    and faithful instruction is on her tongue.

 She watches over the affairs of her household
    and does not eat the bread of idleness.

 Her children arise and call her blessed;
    her husband also, and he praises her:
 “Many women do noble things,
    but you surpass them all.”

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
    and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

Why Do I Blog?

Why do I spend time blogging? some asked me. Here's the reason

I blog because:

1. I'm more expressive through words.
- Blogging is 1 of my platform to share my views, experience, thoughts. Blog has the patience to 'hear' (accommodate) my story.

2. I learn to master better English & knowledge through blogging.
- When I blog a post, i need to make sure the sentence structure, grammar & information shared is correct. So, much research was done before posting.

3. Self-learning to market your content
- Each time I blog, I'd learn how to blog better so that you'll gain better reading audience. (eg. what information people are looking for when they search through a travel blog, food blog, etc)

4. I gain additional IT skills
- To make my blog attractive, I place widgets into it. Sometimes I go blog walking to see what other features blogger has & study customizing &applying HTML codes, playing around with widgets etc.

5. I'm passionate to write & explore creativity

"Through His Lens" - Welcome to my blog

After all, it is HE The One that inspires me to write.

Feel free to Like, Comments & Share your thoughts in this blog!

2D1N at Langkawi

If you are a nature lover & looking for a short getaway, Langkawi would be a place to go!

This island is easily accessible around via Uber and rented car/ motorbike.

I booked an overnight stay at The Kasbah guesthouse via Airbnb. If you don't mind the mixed shared dorm, The Kasbah is a good budget place for backpackers (inclusive yummy healthy breakfast). There'll be live music at The Kasbah if you are there on a Saturday.

Cenang Beach town is just only 15 mins walk away from The Kasbah, so finding food is no difficult task. You can even go for water sports at the beach there. There is also a small Cenang Mall where you still can find ATM machines & fast food restaurants in it. Further down & you can see Underwater World.

These are activities you can do for a Day 1 : chill/ water sports at Cenang Beach, visiting Underwater World, bike touring, street foods

I went to Langkawi on weekdays during low peak season, the weather was hot but I like the fact that I don't have to queue at a lot of places & I can take my own sweet time to chill.

my Day 2.

I reached Oriental Village (Base Station) at 9am to buy Skycab tickets to head up to the Top Station.
I did not get down from the cable car at Middle Station & proceed to the Top Station to save time. 
It's kinda cool to have the cable car all by myself without paying extra bucks. If it's during peak season, you have to pay RM 550 for a private gondola. And to skip long queues, you can opt for additional RM50 for Express Lane to enjoy the normal skycab.

The top view from the cable car over Langkawi island & the Mat Chinchang mountain was breathtaking! WoohoOo!

From Top Station, you can take a Skyglide to reach Skybridge for RM 15.
You can also opt for a 10 mins steep walk down to reach the Skybridge to save the RM10 to&fro via Skyglide. The skyglide was only a less-than-5mins (1-way) short distance transporting. 

After spending 2.5 hours at the Top Station soaking in the cool weather & scenery, I took the SkyCab back to Oriental Village & dropped by Bunny Zone, Skyrex, 6D Cinemotion & 3D art museum which are included in the skycab ticket package.

In the art museum, shoes have to be taken out &kept at a counter. To capture the 3D perspective, there are sample photos on how to pose &cameraman should stand at photo point labelled on the floor.

After done all the stuff in Oriental Village, if there are more time you can actually drop by Seven Wells Waterfall which is nearby the Oriental Village. 

Check this video out! 
It's some footage taken during my short trip. Enjoy~

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