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Movement of New Season

As I was driving back, I started to feel astonished. After trying to connect the recent encounters (including tonight's), like puzzles it slowly form a picture!

It seems like God is really positioning people to be Path maker. And the revelations are preparation for what seems to be happening soon in a few months time!

When the time is right, these words shall be heard! And those who have ears shall hear

Something Big is going to happen

"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks." - John 4:23

Preparation for the way

Within 2 weeks time...
1. There were 2 different leaders approaching me saying the same messages about p_t_n___l
(it reminded me of a vision that I saw years ago about a big ship)
2. A house owner during a 1st business meet up, out of random saying :
"I dreamed of you yesterday the dream I saw you were worshipping in a... and you were into.."
(it reminded me of how Peter received a vision before meeting Cornelius. God prepared Peter to meet Cornelius)

3. A conversation with a 1st met bro who came to KL, whom spoke on new season...