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Phobia~ Familiar with this term? Some people face it almost daily while some bold ones escaped from it. What is phobia actually? It is a form of anxiety disorders. An irrational, intense fear of certain situations, activities, things, or people.

There are diff kinds of phobia:
Acrophobia - Fear of height
Bibliophobia - Fear of books
Enochlophobia - Fear of crowds
Hemophobia - Fear of blood
Insectophobia - Fear of insects
Philemaphobia - Fear of kissing
Venustraphobia - Fear of beautiful woman

Me? I have Arachnophobia, the fear of spiders... I was painting the dining room this noon n i can't stop but to scream. This intense fear from me when i spot spiders running lintang pukang on the ceiling, wall... yAiKsSsSSS~ I almost fell from the ladder and escaped deaths (ok..light injuries). Owh~

This fear can be serious at times. How can phobia be treated? Therapists suggested Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, also anti-depression medications may help too. Me? I have "Spider Whacker". It's actually like california roll made of newspapers. Today, somehow i just felt that im not that afraid of this 8 legged anymore.


  1. household spiders in Malaysia are not venomous. Spiders which has long skinny legs are called daddy long legs. If you afraid of spiders, just use lighter to torch the web and the spiders will go away. btw, I'm from mechanical eng.

  2. ya..even it's aint venomous it's still geli~ neway..i think i can deal wif it nowadays in which i din girly scream o somtin LOL..oh really~ hmm i ned 2equip myself wif a torch 247 den hehe..thx4 da sharing ^^

  3. hehehehe lily, u fobia dgn spider ke? laaaaa... xtau plak.. aiyo... so careless laaa.. nasib baik u xjatuh tangga huhuhu...
    ~hahahaah ayat awk 'spider lari lintang pukang' sounds very cute laaa hahahahaha
