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Today i made a stupid mistake with an old vacuum cleaner..
Whenever i made careless mistakes my brain will be full of cursings damn words cursing myself why i would be so freaking stupid, useless & careless... Harz~~

I was doing the vacuuming job & din actually realize the dust was coming out at one end. Somebody realized it before i managed to turn the vc off. Oh wat do u noe.. dusty dust~~ the bag inside the vc has already burst a long time ago. I recall using the vc days ago.. ughhhh~~ that means i have been messing up my house instead of cleaning it. Darn it!

Eventhough this small matter as this vc case, it reflects the negligence that i have been unaware of. Then i think back again, there were actually a lot of negligence happened & happening in my life. Many times i was so occupied on certain things that i have neglected on the other important things. Many times i have focus on the wrong thing instead the bigger picture that i should lay my eyes upon. I guess mistakes just would never end in our lives do they? harz~~
That's why people say that mistakes are the beginning of a success huh?

Alert Alert! I need to wake up...

Alone But Not Lonely

"Alone but not feeling lonely"
These were the words i heard from a righteous man.

A lot of times im surrounded by people, friends etc. I often have people told me that i knew a lot of contacts. Ya maybe. But somehow having people to have the same passion with you is hard what else for having somebody to walk beside you during the tide is even a minority. Eventhough im surrounded by people, lonely eventhough i'm not alone.. Monophobia?
Alone but not lonely...
or should i say Not alone.. but lonely

NO MORE Game of Faith

Haven't fully recovered from my fall, I finally found the 1 thing amiss in my life. Colours~ I finally know what is "Joy".On the night of African Fire.. In Your Name lifted so high, I am so greatful that i felt hope again. My vision of me leading a victorious life, I want to make it a reality and no more blank dreams. I finally found a new purpose in my life. With life so short, it's time for me to stop procrastinating, to stop playing the games of faith. And it is at this hour this second that I want to hold strong to The Vision I believe.

I can feel and I can see it coming. The challenges ahead of my life, I need to equip myself and be ready 24 7 so I would not be falling down hard again. A covenant that I have made, and I shall fulfill it. Life is just like a marathon. In order to reach my goal, I can't stop & I shall keep on running, running, and running until the very end of the finishing line. And even if I fall, or both my bare feet are bleeding in pain, I stand up and walk slowly but I would not stop. The moment I began this promise, I will walk out from my safe cocoon & to take up the challenges, there shall no turning back.

An appreciation i wanna give thanks to a few special people for their influence in my life. Peniel, Stone Girl LF, KY, Super Senior Sunny, Graigy, Gideon, Alien, Alix, Golden Pig, my didi BN etc etc. Thanks 4being my strength poll, comfort, encouragement & companion. I want to appologize too as my pride & patience were tested before this. To run in this marathon, it's aint easy. There will be alot of temptations, obstacles & emotions. These are my biggest enemies. I have a request here and I ask the people here to be my eyes so I won't be directed from the track I'm running. Vanish my curiousity & desire to the worldly world,fame & power. Help me to stay away from the route to destruction. Rise me up to be a potential one. In this marathon that we are all in, I believe 1 day we will be seeing each other on the finishing line. That's all i'm asking for.
A place to be called HOME

I'm Colour Blind

New semester~ i wonder what it's like? My fear for everything.. Would i be performing well? Would i be falling again?
... Colours~ How can i add them into my life? Searching for my passion & triumph of my life each day. Where am i heading? I have no idea.. Each day why... Why is there so hard for me to feel. I don't see the colours in my life. Too much black & white. Perhaps..
I'm colour blind~

Secret Recipe @Berjaya Times Square

I always love Secret Recipe. It provides a classy comfortable yet simple atmosphere for visitors. When you order the cheesecakes or brownies, make sure you only order one. If not, you won't be having much appetite for other dishes. It's better to go with companion(s) as you can share or exchange the cakes after a few bites.
Chocolate Indulgence @RM6.30
My all time favourite! Thick chocolate flavour so creamy it melts in your mouth hmm hmm~ ahh~ felt like im in heaven~ indulgenlicious!! Stars : 10/10

Vienna Brownies @RM4.50
Superlicious on the 1st bite with chocolate chips on top & cream cheese layer filling inside. Kinda dry for the brownie. Stars : 7/10
Caramel Cream Cheese @RM6.30If you are not a caramel fan don't order this. The cream cheese doesn't taste like one though. Stars: 3/10

Watermelon Drinks @RM7.00
Slurpy icy cold makes you wanna drink for more! Stars:9/10
This is the list of cakes i wanna try out 4my next visit :
-Cheeze Choc
-Durian Cheese
-Hazel Cheese
-Espresso Cheese
-New York Cheese
-Brownies Walnut

P/S: Correct me if the prices were wrongly stated.TQ