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Secret Recipe @Berjaya Times Square

I always love Secret Recipe. It provides a classy comfortable yet simple atmosphere for visitors. When you order the cheesecakes or brownies, make sure you only order one. If not, you won't be having much appetite for other dishes. It's better to go with companion(s) as you can share or exchange the cakes after a few bites.
Chocolate Indulgence @RM6.30
My all time favourite! Thick chocolate flavour so creamy it melts in your mouth hmm hmm~ ahh~ felt like im in heaven~ indulgenlicious!! Stars : 10/10

Vienna Brownies @RM4.50
Superlicious on the 1st bite with chocolate chips on top & cream cheese layer filling inside. Kinda dry for the brownie. Stars : 7/10
Caramel Cream Cheese @RM6.30If you are not a caramel fan don't order this. The cream cheese doesn't taste like one though. Stars: 3/10

Watermelon Drinks @RM7.00
Slurpy icy cold makes you wanna drink for more! Stars:9/10
This is the list of cakes i wanna try out 4my next visit :
-Cheeze Choc
-Durian Cheese
-Hazel Cheese
-Espresso Cheese
-New York Cheese
-Brownies Walnut

P/S: Correct me if the prices were wrongly stated.TQ

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