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when i woke up...

Have u ever had a bad night sleep the day before with hurtful words kept repeating in your mind...And u woke up in the morning feeling so tired with your swollen eyes... U feel like smashing the mirror when u see your own reflection... U felt useless..

Hey folks, how had your past few days of new year been~
I admit it was great in the beginning.. with my fiery spirit & passion for this 2010...but seems like things started to fall again while i just started to build up a new life this year...

Guilt... can just kill me inch a very short time if im not careful enough... Sometimes i used to think where was the strength that i used to have...
I've become weaker n weaker why... Some people said i've changed~ Some people said i've become softer.. Where was the lion reflection that i used to see when i looked in the mirror... It's getting blurer & losing its image.. Is the mirror being deceitful or im just imagining stuff all these while...

The moment i started to have hopes & aims again... things started to go down the drain... I realized i screw things up & trying to fix it right. Things started to get complicated when guilt throngs me... i hate myself for being so useless...

I understand that not every morning will be a new day. Lack of faith & security for what's ahead.. im so afraid that i will repeat the deja vu in 2009's unpleasant incident. "Lost" is a word enough to weaken me... but can i believe that tomorrow it WILL be a better day~

n i want to believe that...


  1. Aww, who knows a beautiful girl like you is going through these things inside?

    I hope you will feel better soon. Always try to imagine, 10 years from now, will this still matter? Most of the time, we will laugh at ourselves when we look back.

    :) :)

    Happy new year by the way. And I love the comments you've posted on my blog :) Thank u!

  2. Hi, it is a while that i am reading your blog, not often, but once a while, just now i read this post, i think, even in the difficult days and time you shouldn't lose your hope, the life can be worsen what is it today, so try to be thankful and have hope for the better days and times, take care and have a good day ahead

  3. u shall receive wen u believe. In His Name, every New Day shall be a day filled with light in the midst of darkness, hope in the midst of gloominess, faith in the midst of the impossible.
    "i have been deprived of peace; i have forgotten what prosperity is. so i say,"my splendor is gone and all that i had hoped from the Lord." I rmb my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. i well rmb them, n my soul is downcast within me. yet this i call to mind n therefore i have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are NOT CONSUMED, for His compassions never fail. They are NEW EVERY MORNING; great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:17-23)

  4. -Lik Yi-
    hey fren,glad 2hear frm u :)
    haha thx alot 4ur comfort man.
    i love 2throng ur blog2 n_n
    happy new year lik yi :)

    hi there,surprise 2hav u read my blog. may i noe u r? neway thx 4ur sharing fren. im trying 2b thankful in every ways & forget the past & guilt2. hope 2c u again :)

    geez.. thx alot Peniel 4da verses. im trying to seek Him instead of settling things my self2.. thanks again *hugs* :)

  5. Hi, Lily
    please give me your email address, then we will be in touch and will let you know more about myself.

    by the way, i am not Malaysian, but i live here, and one way to know Malaysian and theirs culture, is to read the blogs.... i did learn a lot from your blog as well, take care and be happy all the time

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. lily...i saw u...
    u'r stil as strong as b4...
    turst me...
    i don cheat...
    u'r doin gud nw n mayb de thing is u cud do better...
    jz don put so mch pressure in u...
    relax once a while...
    i noe u can do it...

  8. -Shelyn-
    geez~ thanks alot girl! thanks for encouraging. I'm coping up with life too. Doing quite well now :)

    i can do it :)
