These scenes...these places are so familiar... And i recalled the sweet memories i had... I have been here before... I had done something here before... the laughter...the chatter... I remembered... I finally get to remember back once again...
i realized... i had been losing my memories... because i find it... estranged when i found myself in these places... i remembered the days when i had been praying that these memories will be deleted from my mind...
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I find it so hard to see ahead... for the route i'm on it is covered with thick fog.. as if the path is leading to no where...
but somehow this route... there is a light that shines once in awhile... & there is this voice that says.. "this way"...
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." - Isaiah 30:21
..When i learned to catch up & flow with all the rushings… despite the aches & tiredness..
.. when I witnessed bitterness…
The moment of silence…when I can’t see the light of hope…
i'v become quiet & shy, timid & vulnerable...
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[flashing back]
A friday night to remember…when those words…cut through my heart…Trying to smile yet breathing in back the accumulated mucus & allowing my tears to flow out silently. I cried… I yelled… I spoke up… for I can’t stand it…I tried to control myself… Those words really hurt me..
It was a 1 hour face to face talk... & I thank God for such unexpected event that led us to a breakthrough in our relationship. We end up repent & pray together before God. I hugged..
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[flashing back]
It was a warmth night for me… when I tidy up my room.
Lots of memories being restored when I packed my things….my childhood, primary, high school time, college, uni… family of God & in this house… In this house, there’s a wooden giant spoon that I like it alot, for its message always made my heart warmth... i learned to cherish...
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I thank God for all the things that happen, for I have the chance of being rise up, take up greater responsibilities, gaining trust from people, & becoming a blessing in such places. I cherish the times when we laugh Together, in d midst of facing hardship Together, compared to 1 person alone bearing all the burdens. I cherish all the sharing & talks. I wanna give thanks to those who had blessed us, & bro sis + friends who encouraged me. I really wonder what is ahead… only God knows what will happen tomorrow, tomorrow, & tomorrow~ May the Lord prepare me to embark a new journey in this coming semester!
Experience lead us to wisdom. Pains & scars allow us to be stronger. Courage is not a gift, yet its a character developed through hardship. Let us move forward with faith my dear people who are in struggles! Let's press on together! God bless :)