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The moment of Silence...

The moment of silence…

..when I have nothing to say, for im speechless…

..When i learned to catch up & flow with all the rushings… despite the aches & tiredness..

.. when I witnessed bitterness…

The moment of silence…when I can’t see the light of hope…

i'v become quiet & shy, timid & vulnerable...

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[flashing back]

A friday night to remember…when those words… cut through my heart…Trying to smile yet breathing in back the accumulated mucus & allowing my tears to flow out silently. I cried… I yelled… I spoke up… for I can’t stand it…I tried to control myself… Those words really hurt me..

It was a 1 hour face to face talk... & I thank God for such unexpected event that led us to a breakthrough in our relationship. We end up repent & pray together before God. I hugged..

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[flashing back]

It was a warmth night for me… when I tidy up my room.

Lots of memories being restored when I packed my things….my childhood, primary, high school time, college, uni… family of God & in this house… In this house, there’s a wooden giant spoon that I like it alot, for its message always made my heart warmth... i learned to cherish...

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I thank God for all the things that happen, for I have the chance of being rise up, take up greater responsibilities, gaining trust from people, & becoming a blessing in such places. I cherish the times when we laugh Together, in d midst of facing hardship Together, compared to 1 person alone bearing all the burdens. I cherish all the sharing & talks. I wanna give thanks to those who had blessed us, & bro sis + friends who encouraged me. I really wonder what is ahead… only God knows what will happen tomorrow, tomorrow, & tomorrow~ May the Lord prepare me to embark a new journey in this coming semester!

Experience lead us to wisdom. Pains & scars allow us to be stronger. Courage is not a gift, yet its a character developed through hardship. Let us move forward with faith my dear people who are in struggles! Let's press on together! God bless :)

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