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This is My Journey 2019

I still chose to write this post, because I want to reflect back on God's faithfulness.

When I felt discouraged, seeing back my past posts helped me to see how far I have gone through, & by putting the puzzles together, I got to witness God's wonderful work.

Some significant 2019 events that I wanted to give thanks for :

1) My (ex) boss who invested in me to nurture my real estate career

2) Reward gift from company - Huawei Mate 20 Pro

An encouragament reward from my (ex) boss
This gift helped me alot in my work

3) A simple family 'mission' - TOGETHER

4) Prophetic Training by Ps. Serena
   "Picture, Picture, Picture, Go !" 
   "Change !" (change turns)

1 significant message I received for myself is :
" I will sail far, if God is the one holding the wheel "

5) Sg. Lembing with Uncle Danny ! (from Canada)

Thanks for blessing our family too uncle !

6) CONNECT Church Camp

The reason I volunteer to be part of the camp organizing team, because :
- I want to have a chance to work with different people
  (in hope to learn from different talents)
- I saw opportunity for me to get close with every church member better through serving in this camp

I remember I specifically prayed for name on partnership, and that name was on board. We served together.

Awesome working together

7) Q3 MWA Core Team Prayer
    An effort to wake up early to pray for our LG members.
    We were unsure how to help our people who are struggling, so we thought a higher power (God) the best person to help

8) Burst Pipe - flooded Church 1st floor

I don't rejoice over the incident, but I felt the love together with Yim Ling for our church when we tirelessly clear the water. And we were doing it TOGETHER (not alone).
I like the feeling of "有福同享,有难同当".
It provoked problem-solving for water clearance.

9) WA Leaders Retreat @ Pulau Ketam

10) Working Adult Group Beach Outing Cleaning
      The best part I enjoyed was learning 'How to Do It?'

11) Company Orientation
Enjoyed best - learning through observation on 'How to run orientation' in creative way through thoughts-provoking games & interaction. Not lame at all.

12) Matrimony Emcee @ Peter & Janice's Wedding

Playing 2nd time emcee role for our LG member's wedding

13) Company Trainings, Movement, KW Asia Summit

MREAP cappers in training
Ignite Training

 Accountability Partner
(also became my Buddy Sheep & Friendship)

14) Meet-up with Top Performer & Head - Wing
Thank God this person willing to meet me, so I can learn from his success
Enrolled on my Probationary Estate Agency practices. Thanks for Wing guidance too

15) New Eyebrows ^^

16) Dad & Daughter teamwork
My always support

17) God is teaching me to trust (surrender wholly) in Him

18) Carolling at houses - Our 1st Time

It's always the same face that appear
when we so needed courage & support to do LG adventures TOGETHER

19) A wonderful wedding reunion
- Cooper & Xi Mun's marriage -

Reuniting TARC Community Service Gang 下乡服务团

20) More Financial Literate

* . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . *

Despite ending year 2019 empty handed
(of what I used to have :
where my dreams & goals are now gone
when people at my age already have a family & position
while I'm still not attached & ...)

Of all the encounters above, I came to see that

"If it's not for these events...
I'd probably would not have that anguish in me that motivates me to strive
that creates in me a hunger for a change
to get me out from the rat race
to be more ambitious to aim big"

Everyone has their own timing to run their journey

This is My Journey :)

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