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Wearing mask for the 1st time while travelling back to my hometown from Johor. The influenza pandemic of H1N1 is indeed worrying. Many education instituion were closed to prevent the spread of the virus. So many people sick and im glad that im recovering from my fever. Had a really bad dream this morning which left me cold sweat in the dark.
On my way back to KL, i was trying to understand the book of Judges,but i just could not concentrate.. My late grandma came to my mind somehow. Old age of amnesia is always a disastrous to a person's life. So sad~

Leading a new life a new identity under the faith of christianity, my life and my decision to commit in the ministry flash into my mind. I have become passive these few days.. Kinda confuse lately, feeling guilty on the hand for not able to encourage some bro and sis which we were suppose to run for the same direction. I wonder what if i have not chosen this route.. I might be having a night life morning girl differ character. I would not be hesitating to join my friends to hangout and have a euphoria hour at some place. I would be skipping classes at least one/twice every fortnight. I would not be respecting my lecturers in classes. I would not care too much for my juniors and most of all, i would not be making a good role model.

Somehow at this minute with my earphone on, the music "At the beginning" from Disney Anastasia was being played. The message delivered here "life is a route now and forever a wonderful journey"..Just felt so touch by this song~
Many times i wondered why i always make life so complicated. Perhaps i should just have a simple mind of 123..


Cultural Difference

I always admire & into the western culture of being open minded, creative, cool lifestyle & ways they manage things efficiently. Culture difference.. We can see or feel it anywhere we go. Be it in your workplace, neighbourhood or campus surrounding. Since im studying in uni now, i always compare between studying in private uni & government uni. Somehow it just made me wonder would i be more successful if im in private uni now. Would i be more talented in the sense that i would be cultivated to move up to the higher level of potentiality much more sooner? The different level of ways to manage things, different mindset & perception of the people in both different environment...
but 1 thing confirm here is that...i'll go through hardship & learn to be tougher..


It was indeed a remarkable experience for me to have this opportunity to be part of the team in SIFE National Competition on 19-21/07/09. Competing teams of SIFE Universities from all over Malaysia such as UMS, UITM, UM, MMU, UniKL, Uniten etc etc were in PWTC, KL here to present their projects. Many of you might wonder what is SIFE? S.I.F.E.--> Student In Free Enterprise. It's all about entrepreneurship, business ethics, skills, financial literacy, sustainability projects while doing community service at the same time aiming to change the world. As the SIFE theme goes "A head for business, A heart for the world". You can log on to for more details. Interesting as it is, our team from UTHM Johor still able to walk back in high spirit after winning the Spirit Award eventhough we did not make it to the final rounds.

Check out the photos below ^_^

During Q&A session

Our models - Presentors frm left sexy Kjune, Gentleman Freddie @d back, the Great Boon Soon sitting, & our lovely Krystabel on d right.

Nope, we are not from MAS/SIA, we are from - SIFE UTHM!

Breakfast @Grand Seasons Hotel, KL

Our SIFE style of doing da "ka chink!!" ; Founder by Kjune

Ladies & gentleman pls DON'T try this @home

new "Ho Ciak" TV host

Luncheon @PWTC. The food was so irresistible u just can't close your mouth for 1sec! Delicious~

The effect of overstress

Careful not to be tempted by him! Status : Single & Available ; Contact: 012-XXXX999

I love this pics so much!! LOLz~ The zZ posture of over exhausted

U know, this was an amazing trip for me. A fascinating extraordinary one I would say! The most enjoyable part is whereby we are able to hangout & had great fun together. Hope our bonds will continue to strengthen & blossom.

1 Team, 1 Spirit We United. 1 SIFE, 1 Malaysia. We are SIFE UTHM!!