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Cultural Difference

I always admire & into the western culture of being open minded, creative, cool lifestyle & ways they manage things efficiently. Culture difference.. We can see or feel it anywhere we go. Be it in your workplace, neighbourhood or campus surrounding. Since im studying in uni now, i always compare between studying in private uni & government uni. Somehow it just made me wonder would i be more successful if im in private uni now. Would i be more talented in the sense that i would be cultivated to move up to the higher level of potentiality much more sooner? The different level of ways to manage things, different mindset & perception of the people in both different environment...
but 1 thing confirm here is that...i'll go through hardship & learn to be tougher..


  1. thank u for making major decisions in the choice to glorify Him. continue to challenge yourself to see the bigger picture.. when the Kingdom of G is placed before everything, it'll be in your blood to be willing to lay down the rest. and u'll definitely realise that these are the things that will bring eternal fame and honour when u meet the Lord.

  2. being tougher wherever you are =D
