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Do you have a PLAN B in life?

Dear folks, do you ever have a backup plan in your life?

Have you thought of preparing for the worst when expectations come & ruin your life?

Come to think about it, hey~ u r so smart, u r creator of inspirations & u r in the Top A list. What if.. What if suddenly you have gone bozo at the age of 30, after a day of discovery that u have cancerous cells developed from a malign tumour eating up your brain. Brain dysfunction... you gotta forget your dreams in working with Donald Trump now..

Or what if you are 1 of the many victims in the job retrenchment after an economy downturn. What's your future hold for you professor? Even you have the highest qualification perhaps you might wanna consider applying for odd jobs instead of high ranking positions in big companies.

What if then,
if you realized that your partner is not able to function when you 2 were actually trying for a baby girl~ Yet you do not have the financial ability to adopt a child or 5 digits US Dollars to opt for test tube baby. Hmm..your future is not what you think as romantic & perfect as you've planned. What's next~ Plan B.. you cheat him. (Or u still hold on to that promised ring on your finger?Open daycare centres perhaps?)

What about the Plan B if 1 day u woke up in the ward found out that both of your legs have been amputated due to an unexpected car accident u had the night before? You were 1 step closer in securing a place in Stardom, becoming the next most successful stage dancer or football player etc. You are loosing your source of income man..the source of driven spirit that drives you in life. It just like a singer who lost her voice, a model who lost her beauty..

U know what got me into writing this post.. is that I've felt that im losing the ability to write. I'm losing the inspirations to write. And writing is what i love to do. I love creative writings & i wanna go for more in career. Come to imagine about it, what if im currently in this line & i've lost the driving spirit to continue on, surely my career is over. N perhaps i'll just go for a PLAN B, a plan that is more challenging to drive me on in life.

The storm is here, have you prepared for your Plan B..

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