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The cuts on my hands ; The wounds in my soul

Rat Race~
Chasing for the deadline.. Chasing for endless time..

No matter if you are a student or an employee climbing for the corporate ladder, recalling the busiest moments you got many times u wished to seat your butt down & have a glass of refreshing drinks at your own personal time? to enjoy a handful of popcorn while laughing uncontrollably at the sitcoms on TV/ movie on cinema screen? to really enjoy stroll passing Voir, Vincci or Nichii during the month of sales in hope for an eye-catching outfit~~


The cuts on my hands... i din realize it until i felt the pain when washing my clothes..
The growling noise as if there were 5 dogs barking inside my tummy... ten i realize i've miss a meal again..
The eye bags that you discovered when u really look into the mirror..
The time when i can't get up in the morning.. then i realize hey im really tired~

Have u ever have a time like this before? whereby u r feeling glad that finally u r able to have time to sit tight at home & have your favourite to-dos~
I know i will~

Who says life is always bed of roses?
It never does but hey.. happiness is in one's hands. Take a break for awhile & i say pick up your sensor skills to be alert of the surrounding spices of your life~ Let the colours & music of life throng you~~


  1. life never being a bed of roses. Remember, roses will die eventually and u still need to replace new ones or it might be an ugly bed. there are people who are workaholic who will never know how to enjoy or when to eat. however, having an adequate time for yourself to enjoy is up to urself to manage your own time wisely. remember, there is no such thing as being busy all your life and there is no such things a easy all the time. try not to pressure yourself - be calm instead.

    btw, in uni, i've experienced before by eating 1 meal a

  2. 1meal a day.. fasting or busy as well?

    "there is no such thing as being busy all your life and there is no such things a easy all the time"
    oh ya~ u r right :)
