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Alone On This Chair...

It was the first time i chat with my grandpa...


U know~ when i was young, whenever there were visitors came over to our house, i would just pick up my legs as fast as i could to hide from them. I was feeling so shy to face those strangers... Whenever i went for overnights staying at grandpa's, i would just hide in the room. Lunch/dinner time, i finished my bowl of rice quickly so that i was not left with the relatives on the same dining table feeling akward. I hardly talk to my grandpa except for "gong gong eat"(公公吃饭) & "Gong Xi Fa Cai" during CNY.

U know~ i believe many of us would just have a slight groan whenever we are going to visit grandma/grandpa coz it'll be so boring. No wireless, no facebook, no entertainment. Yep~ just chickens & spiders to play with..

It was an increadible time for me to chat with grandpa for the 1st time during the recent 3D2N stay @grandpa's, though i was struggling to speak Hakka language with him. There were many "alone moments" with only grandpa & me at the dining table, living room in front of TV & in the early morning with him reading newspapers and me lying on the sofa next to him observing the life of a grandpa. Hey~ i find that i started to like my grandpa..

Life as an old man/widow..
Have u~ ever wonder what is it like to sit on that chair of loneliness when u grow old..?

U wake up in the dawn, u go out to have drinks with your old chaps at the same coffee shop every morning, same routine. All the old chaps hang around & talk about world issues, lives, gossips, backache, sickness.... U go back home to have a rest, watch TV, cook meals, and u go back to the same old chair again...

U know.. it's good to equip ourselves with all sort of knowledge & skills since we still have time...say music~ so that we could at least strum the guitar & sing play when we enter old age without depending much on technology or just sit on that old chair...


That night the picture of my late grandma was in my mind & the next morning i bumped into her friend when i was walking my dog in the morning. I had a chat with her, applying the "aunty style of talking" that i have learnt lately. We talked about everything, dogs, financial crisis, weather, works, regrets, my family, her family, her life.... Aunty is having difficulties in walking. Doctor said that she needs about RM5K for an operation but she just shrug off with the reason what's the use to spend so much on operation wherereas she has reach the "age".. She can't go far from her house, she can't climb the stairs either...

Alone on this rocking chair....


  1. Umm.. We still gotta face this, not just us when we getting old, but our parent too when they getting old, is our turn to take care of them.. just like how they had took care of us. This is how I think =]]

  2. ya~ it should be like that. but what if we are old, our children may not be that way... commitments in working life,they have their own family etc etc... they surely have no time for us when we are old... n it COULD be the same wise for generations today towards own parents...
