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Aunty Talk

You know~ sometimes i wish to become an aunty. It's not that i want to own the aunty hairstyle, aunty attire & typical aunty way of doing things with their elbow up in the air & pinky sticking out that type. What i meant is the aunty who knows how to talk!

Aunty talks alot especially gossips. Many times whenever im with an aunty how i wish that i could be like one & talk like them so that i could fit into the conversation! It's no fun just listening to aunt talks, with me only nodding my head & smile, reply "haha", "yee yup", "uh-huh" & so on.. That's because i've no idea how to reply them.

This noon while i was doing my work, aunt told me that i have to be extra careful when choosing a boyfriend. Talk about BGR (boy girl relationship), im linking this topic to the plight of a mother as well. A mother can be very protective towards their children & it breaks the mother's heart if their children disobey or perhaps disown them.. Which mom never wants their kids to grow up to be successful? When aunt mentioned about her daughter, i can just feel the heavy disappointment in her.. The plight of a mother when her daughter screw things up @young age, had a baby & faced marriage failure when things turn out ugly. Her daughter is same age with me,21st. I feel what she feels but i just couldn't come out with a single encouragement word but just nod my head & smile in stupidity, i was so lame!

Why parents are being so protective?

It's because they don't want us to screw up in life (or somebody else life) as it has no turning back. Still remember when we were in our teenage "aggressive rebellious" stage? On how we use to argue our freedom rights? On how we shouted to them, throwing things around or perhaps fought with them just to stayover at "friend's" place for a night or getting an approval to hangout till 4am in the morning? You know... every night you came home so so late that their voices screaming at you that reached about 120 decibel, in their hearts u have no idea how terrified & worried they are, imagining the "accidental pregnancy", elope case, driving in influence(drug/drunk) etc etc..

Have u ever felt that ur parents are pushing u to inherit their experience/skills?

Why dad call daughters to fix the water pipes, make cement, do drillings, fix the lights, jack the car & fix tyres etc etc.. That's boys jobs isnt' it.. He wants us to be handyman. So that we will not be too dependent on man. In case we face marriage failure in future, we are still able to be survive.

Ahh~ aunty talk..

If i master aunty style of talking, i learned how to talk like sales man too..

& definitely i would not have empty topics to chat with clients

Aunty talks~ They talk everything..

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