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Recalling back my semester

This semester is ending alright..

Looking back, i have went through a lot of struggles in my faith, my works, my studies, and with the people around me. Many tough times for me to balance between activities and my resting hour. I wanna thank those who have concerned of my health, helped delivered food to me & reminded me to sleep. I felt greatful to have you all.

One thing i learned from this semester is accepting challenge. Dare to accept challenges in life and dare to face its consequences ahead. 2ndly learning to give chances to others. Sometimes, a slide door of opportunities for some1 can be that person's hope & turning point in life. Thirdly, LOVE is the message I received & learned.

LOVE can be so pure. It does not boast, it keeps no records of wrongs. It is not self-seeking yet it rejoices with the truth. LOVE always protects, always trusts, always hopes, & always perseveres. N that is LOVE!

Here~ check out the photos below. It was taken at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC). This Malaysia National Conventioin & Global Conference that i've just attended 26-29/11/09, was truly meaningful & worthy which has changed my direction of life!

May the new semester be a GREAT one!!

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